Spring Frost in the Finger Lakes Will Have a Severe Impact on the 2023 Vintage

The Finger Lakes AVA, which produces approximately 90% of the state's wine, was recently impacted by the worst spring frost in decades.

6/9/20233 min read

The Finger Lakes wine region, nestled in the heart of upstate New York, recently faced a potentially devastating climatic event that could dramatically influence the 2023 vintage. The region experienced an unprecedented late spring frost that has caused extensive damage to the grapevines across the region. This event serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of viticulture to the whims of weather and the integral role that climate plays in the success of a wine vintage.

The events leading up to this severe frost event are a crucial part of understanding the extent of the damage. Spring in the Finger Lakes region was notably warmer than usual, with April temperatures reaching into the 80s on several days. This unusually warm weather prompted an early bud break, a critical stage in the life cycle of the grapevine when new shoots begin to emerge from the buds. The premature bud break left the young, tender vine shoots susceptible to damage from late spring frosts, a risk that unfortunately materialized on the morning of May 18th.

During the frost event, the temperature dropped drastically for several hours, inflicting severe damage on the vulnerable buds. The intensity and duration of the frost were notable, resulting in a more extensive impact than is typically seen from late spring frosts in the Finger Lakes. Virtually every grower in the region has reported damage, indicating a wide-scale impact that could affect wine production for the entire 2023 vintage.

The early data suggests a varied impact across vineyards and grape varieties. Some vineyards have reported substantial loss in certain blocks, while others have reported relatively minor damage. However, the overall yield for the 2023 vintage is expected to be considerably lower than usual due to this frost event. Certain varietals appear to have been affected more significantly, while others seemed to exhibit a degree of resilience. These varietal differences are likely a reflection of each grape's unique phenological growth cycle and intrinsic frost tolerance.

In addition to the varietal-specific factors, the damage across the region also appears to have been influenced by geographical factors. Vineyards located closer to the lakes, benefiting from the temperature-moderating influence of the water, seem to have fared better compared to those situated at higher elevations or further inland. This event underscores the significance of microclimatic conditions in determining the vulnerability of vineyards to frost damage.

The consequences of such a frost event are far-reaching. A frost event during bud break can lead to a significant loss in the number of fruitful shoots, thereby reducing yield potential. If the primary buds were destroyed by the frost, the vines might try to compensate by developing secondary buds. However, these secondary buds typically have less fruit-bearing potential, often resulting in lower grape quantities and potentially influencing the quality of the vintage.

Moreover, frost damage can have more long-lasting effects on the health and productivity of the grapevines. Severe frost can damage the vascular tissue of the vines, impacting nutrient and water uptake, and potentially leading to reduced vine vigor in the subsequent growing season. This early season setback could thus have multi-season impacts, making vineyard recovery a critical aspect of viticulture management in the aftermath of a frost event.

While the Finger Lakes wine community grapples with the immediate aftermath of this frost event, there is a sense of resilience and cautious optimism. Vineyard managers and winemakers are leveraging their skills and innovation to mitigate the damage and salvage what they can of the 2023 vintage. Despite the challenges, there is a sense of determination to turn adversity into an opportunity for learning and growth. The frost event of 2023 underscores the intricate relationship between viticulture and climate and serves as a potent reminder of the importance of adaptive viticulture practices in an era of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns.


  1. Cazentre, D. (2023). Late spring frost causes widespread damage to Finger Lakes vineyards. https://www.syracuse.com/news/2023/05/recent-widespread-frost-damage-creates-worry-for-finger-lakes-wineries.html.

  2. Dunn, M. J. (2023). Unprecedented frost hits New York’s Finger Lakes wine region. https://www.decanter.com/wine-news/unprecedented-frost-hits-new-yorks-finger-lakes-wine-region-504194/.